Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thoughts of writing

I must say I enjoy writing in a blog because it can be about how I feel and about venting.  Writing reports or research papers are interesting but not really my cup of tea to be honest.  I have thought several times in my life about writing a book concerning things that I have faced from childhood to the present.  I have heard about people doing so as a means of healing and release but I am not sure my siblings would see it that way.  Who knows maybe one day I will be brave to write it not for publishing but just for me.  I have enjoyed this class very much and wish many blessings for everyone in reaching their goals.  Good luck to all!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ready To Move On

Wish I could switch my nose and there would be a job!  This living in limbo waiting to be laid off while looking for work is so stressful.  I go to work everyday thinking is this the last day, do take a vacation to really focus on job hunting or save the vacation for extra pay for when it happens.  I have never been in the situation before so it is driving me crazy.  I must to remember to just breath, to take it in and let it out and this too shall pass, but darn it I want to pass right now....LOL  My lease is up at the end of May so I will be moving but have no clue to where because I do not even know where I will be working or if I will be working by that time.  With so many people laid off it makes it hard and I feel for them as I do for myself.  OK, OK, enough!  Now I feel better just had to get it out.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Coming to an end

Funny how time can fly by so quickly and here we are at the end of this class and already into February for 2011.  So much on the plate and my organizational skills are going right out the door these last few weeks and now my youngest gave birth to my 9th grand child yesterday so I have been busy at the hospital and taking care of her other little one until she comes home with the baby.  I love it though, grand kids are the best they make my world complete I sit here smiling at the thought of each one them.  I just love it when they fight over me, Rylan, he is three (the little red head in my picture on the blog page) he will push all the others away saying "my nana!"  I just love it!!!  Good luck to all with your continued degrees and maybe we will meet again in other classes!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Now that I have been introduced to blogging, I like it!  Sometimes it is really great to put into words how you are feeling and thoughts you just want to get out of your head.  Even if no one else ever reads it, that is OK by me because sometimes the blog is just for me if that makes any sense.  As I type I pause searching myself of thought and feelings that sometimes I ignore.  So instead of ignoring myself I will acknowledge my thoughts and feelings at anytime, and at any hour.  Wow, what great therapy I just gave myself...... LOL

So here is to all you bloggers out there, KEEP BLOGGING!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lemonade to be made!

Well this has been a very hard week for me so hard that I can not keep my focus on school.  I found out this week that I will be laid off from my job after four years.  Sadly, I have only been in the Dallas office just under a year, they transferred me here in May of 2010.  Everyday and night I go to bed worrying about it and what to do, and my mind just will not take a break from it.  I know from life's experience that it is true when one door closes another one opens but the older you become the harder it is specially when we are living in hard times and jobs are already hard to find.  It seems struggles never change but with age you do learn from them so that with each one you do realize there will be an answer somewhere so I will just keep holding to that truth.  Bottom line I have a lot of lemons right now so get your glasses ready for a lot of lemonade.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Grandson and ADHD

The topic that I am research is concerning ADHD and the reason for this topic is due to my grandson.  From the time that I took custody of him at the age of 18 months he showed signs of not being able to focus on any one thing.  He would spend a second or two on something and then move to the next object and then the next.  He was into everything around the house, which I know that is typical in children but he was more into things than normal.  Another sign was he constantly made noise verbally, he still does meaning he takes a few words repeating them over and over again non-stop for hours or he will just make a noise of any kind repeating it non-stop.  I had to wait until he was starting school to have him diagnosed for ADHD and since that time he has been taking medication for it.  The medication has made a world of difference, he is more focused and can control himself in many ways better than before however he still makes the noise but not to the degree that he was, but the medication has had its side affects.  The side affects that he has experienced have been from headaches to lack of hunger, at one time he lost 17 pounds and due to that I began looking into other means of treatment for ADHD.  If I can really understand what affects diet will or can make I would rather have him on the diet than the medication, so my research is to influence our world and what would be better for my grandson in the long run concerning his health and living with ADHD.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Then and Now

When I was in my teens, which was in the 70's, college was not really encouraged unless you were a really good student in high school.  I was not one of those students so my parents discouraged me from attending college, so instead I was married at the age of 19 and began my family.  Work experience though counted a great deal, sad to say today experience is great but the college paper is top requirement in just about every field now so work experience can only take you so far.  So now here I am looking for a college degree to help me with making a better living for myself and my grandson.  I will say though that at this time in my life I have much more confidence in myself than when I was a teen which life tends to mature you in a way that prepares you to deal with just about anything.  Even though at times I feel overwhelmed I find more and more strength with each course I take watching my hours add up taking me closer to reaching my goal.  One day I will be able to look back and say I did it, I may have struggled to graduate from high school but I now I am a winner in college!